Our specialists can help you accomplish your goals with programs including Assistive Technology, Augmentative & Alternative Communication, and Rehabilitation. Easterseals MA partners with various agencies such as the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, Day Habilitation Centers, Skilled Nursing Facilities, and Assisted Living to provide services to help seniors with disabilities live independently.

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology (AT) uses clinical expertise to help people with disabilities expand their independence by using devices to achieve greater access to education, employment, and their community. Learn more.

Assistive Technology at Home

Our AT Independent Living Program offers services that provide AT in the home to improve the ability of individuals with significant disabilities to live independently and safely. Learn more.

Assistive Technology Regional Centers (ATRC)

MassMATCH Assistive Technology Regional Centers hosted by Easterseals are lending libraries of Assistive Technology (AT). Device demonstrations at two Center locations include equipment, software, and toys, from low-tech to high-tech solutions. Learn more.

Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)

Augmentative & Alternative Communication Specialists work with individuals with congenital or acquired disabilities who have difficulty using speech for communication. Learn more.

Rehabilitation Services & Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

ESMA partners with schools, day habilitation programs, skilled nursing facilities, early intervention agencies, and various other community programs and provides services to help clients achieve greater levels of independence. Our Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Pathologists, and Board-Certified Behavior Analysts have expertise in a wide range of settings across the lifespan. Learn more.