MassMATCH Assistive Technology Regional Centers hosted by Easterseals are lending libraries of Assistive Technology (AT). We offer device demonstrations at two locations and have an extensive lending library of devices, which includes equipment, software, and toys, from low-tech to high-tech solutions.

Residents of Massachusetts can visit our centers to learn about, try out, and borrow AT free of charge, for 30 days. Thousands of devices are available in the areas of communication, education, hearing and vision impairment, and daily living. Let us know your goals and desired outcomes and our experts help bridge the gap to get you there. Create a free user account and then search our inventory at the link below to gain an understanding of what is available:

Browse Devices

Easterseals Massachusetts ATRC Locations and Contact Information

Worcester Location: 18 Chestnut Street, Suite 200, Worcester, MA 01608
Boston Location: 89 South Street, First Floor, Boston, MA 02111

Worcester: 508-751-6495
Boston: 617-226-2634

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the device demonstration and lending program free? Yes, the program is FREE! You just need to be a resident of Massachusetts. At the ATRCs, individuals, and groups can explore thousands of high- and low-tech devices that can meet a variety of needs. From simple to sophisticated, Easterseals Massachusetts has the technology for you.
  • How does the device lending program work? The process is simple! It’s like a library, only instead of books, you can take home equipment and try it out for up to 30 days to see what works for you! Requests for borrowing devices can come from you, a family member, a friend, an advocate, or someone who is helping you with your assistive technology needs, such as a therapist, teacher, or rehabilitation center.
  • How do I get started? Create an account at You can then browse the inventory and request up to 5 devices.
  • How do I schedule a visit to an ATRC? Individuals or organizations can contact us to reserve a time to explore one of our centers. We also host staff meetings as well as group tours.
  • Once I choose the right technology for my needs, how do I get devices for long-term use? Our Massachusetts Alternative Finance Program provides access to low-interest loans for the purchase of assistive devices and services to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities and assistance with obtaining AT devices. Click for more information.

MassMATCH Assistive Technology Regional Center Mobile Van

In 2022, Easterseals Massachusetts received funding from the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission to start a new initiative: The MassMATCH Assistive Technology Regional Center Mobile Van. This van allows us to get out into the community to all areas of the state to make sure people have equal access to assistive technology available. ATRC program specialists demonstrate the different devices that are available to people with disabilities, seniors, and our Veteran communities at various community events.

Like us on Facebook for updates on ATRC including upcoming webinars, mobile van demonstrations, and other events. Current events are listed on our Facebook Events page.