Camp Sno-Mo FAQs

Q: Where do the campers sleep?
A:  At camp Sno-Mo the campers sleep either under a canvass tent at the camp site or in the lodge in one of the 8 dorm style bedrooms depending on the individual's abilities.

Q: Can I call or visit my camper during session?
A: Camp Sno-Mo would rather encourage communication through letters or postcards. Parents/Providers are welcome to speak with the director at anytime during their child’s time at Sno-Mo.

Q: Food: how many meals per day are provided?
A: All campers are offered three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) served in the BSA dining hall.

Q: Bathing: Does Sno-Mo have showers in the lodge?
A: All campers are required to shower once a day morning or night using their respective shower areas.

Q: What security is provided when campers are sleeping?
A: There is a member of staff assigned as the awake overnight staff and it is his or her responsibility to do regular bed checks at 15 minute intervals.

If your question is not answered above, please contact Desi Forte at 617-226-2855 or

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