Every day we face challenges, and these days may seem even more challenging than others. Not only are our children out of routine, but that means so are we.
Below, we've compiled a list of resources from across the web for families, individuals, and educators to take advantage of during this time.
Explaining COVID-19 to your child: A Guide from Sesame Street
DESE Office of Special Education COVID-Related School Reentry Q&A Guide
Nine Network - Teaching in Room Nine - Daily teaching resources for parents
How to use Zoom video services- Telehealth communications
Sensory Guide - How to create sensory bins and slime
Social Story - Explaining COVID-19
Social Story - Explaining Social Distancing
Social Story - Explaining Social Distancing 2
BrainPop Video - An In-Depth, kid-friendly explanation of coronavirus
Gross Motor Guide - Activites to Improve Gross Motor Skills
Sidewalk Chalk Activites and Games - Fun Outdoor Activities
Coloring Scavenger Hunt - Fun Outdoor Activities
Muddy Trucks and Car Wash - Fun Outdoor Activites
Learn about the Coronavirus through Coloring: Downloadable Coloring Book
Art Projects Week 1
Art Projects Week 2
Art Projects Week 3
Art Projects Week 4
Art Projects Week 5
Free Lunches for Kids (St. Louis County, City, East St. Louis District 189)
Home Delivered Meals for Older Adults