Speechless Q&A With Actor Mason Cook Who Plays Ray DiMeo

Mason Cook (Ray DiMeo)

Easterseals is thrilled to share exclusive monthly Q&A's with members of the DiMeo family and other crew on the show Speechless. The interviews provide new information about the show's second season, a look behind-the-scenes, and more. Read the latest interview below from actor Mason Cook who plays Ray DiMeo on the show, and be sure to watch Speechless Wednesdays at 8:30|7:30C.                                                                                                                                   Mason Cook as Ray DiMeo on Speechless

What are you most excited about for Season 2?

There are a lot of things actually! The first season of a show spends a lot of time establishing the characters, figuring out the overall tone of the show and working on the family dynamic. We have filmed 7 episodes of season 2 at this point and it is very clear that this season the writers are digging deeper into each character’s qualities so the audience will get to know them much better. It will be fun to get know the DiMeos better and learn more about why they do the crazy things they do.

Have you prepared differently for your character's role this season compared to last season?

No I haven’t. I spent a lot of time dissecting Ray in season one and figuring out why he is the way he is and what makes him tick. Coming back to play Ray in season 2 was like meeting up with an old friend you haven’t seen in a while, but picking up right where you left off. That said, as time goes on I can definitely feel the character Ray evolving.

Are we going to see big changes in your character?

Probably the biggest change you will see in Ray is his height… I had a serious growth spurt over the summer! It is hilarious comparing pictures of me from the pilot we shot in April 2016 to pictures of me now. I have literally grown almost a foot. Another big change is that Ray has a girlfriend. He met Taylor in the season one finale and she is still around! That is a huge step for Ray. Other than that, expect to continue to see Ray get himself in many more awkward situations!

Is there something you want to tell fans to watch out for this season?

Hands-down our Halloween episode. When we read it at the table read we were all left with our mouths hanging open. It is so creative and jam-packed. We just finished shooting and I can’t wait to see it myself!

What's a typical day like on set?

The set of Speechless is by far my favorite set I have worked on. From day one last year we all clicked and had an instant connection. We are like a family. Not just the cast, but the crew even. We love to prank each other and it is just a fun place to be. The crew pranked me already this season by telling a new crew member my name is Madison and not Mason, so I let him call me that for several weeks without correcting him because I didn’t want to embarrass him. Then one day I showed up to set and found my chair back had been switched out with one that says, “Madison Cook.” Turns out the joke was on me the whole time. I still have it on my chair.

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