Southern California Wildfire Resources

Easter Seals Makes the First Five Count

Easter Seals Offers Free Online Screening Tool; Helps Parents Determine if Kids are on Track

ASQ & CVS logos

Easter Seals “Make the First Five Count” campaign advocates for early intervention for kids through age five so they can have a chance for a good start in life and the opportunity to succeed. This year, through the generous support of the CVS Caremark Charitable Trust, Easter Seals makes it possible for parents and caregivers to easily track their children’s development by means of a free online screening tool called the Ages & Stages Questionnaires or ASQ.

GirlTraditionally used by doctors, therapists, professionals and educators the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, or ASQ, is now available for free to parents and caregivers on the Make the First Five Count website. The ;questionnaire allows parents to monitor a child's development and identify potential issues. By doing so any concerns can be addressed to make sure a child is on track and ready to enter school.

“We use the ASQ at our Child Development Centers as an effective first step toward identifying if a child can benefit from early intervention services,” says Vice President Children’s Services Betty Reckard. “We’re thrilled that Easter Seals has made this industry-standard child development screening tool available to parents for free and online for the very first time.”

For more information, contact us.

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