The Vice President of Research leads all ESSC research initiatives, develops the organizational systems to conduct research, and serves as the Director of the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board (HSIRB). The Vice President of Research is a principle investigator (PI) overseeing a team of researchers.
The Director of Research Operations assists with managing the division’s daily activities serves as a researcher and oversees other research team members.
The Research Supervisor position consists of clinicians with a master’s degree or higher who have at least one publication, either a peer-reviewed publication, thesis, or dissertation. Research Supervisors oversee their team of Associate Researchers and Research Assistants.
The Associate Researcher position consists of clinicians with a master’s degree or higher who have designed and managed at least one study, and have submitted at least one manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal.
The RA position consists of associates who are developing their research experience. These associates assist with the daily research activities, data entry, and all administrative duties related to a study.
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