Southern California Wildfire Resources

Baseball Buddies: Best Friends Enjoy Summer Baseball Stadium Tour

Three men in baseball hats at a stadium enjoying a baseball game

When baseball season rolls around, you can usually find Adrian and his best friend, and housemate, John, watching the games at home on their television. Both are Easterseals Southern California Living Options participants, which offers Residential Services that support people to live in their local community.

This year, however, Adrian decided that they should enjoy their favorite game in person, so he purchased tickets to several MLB games at the local ballparks. 

In May, Adrian and John traveled to Angels Stadium in Anaheim to watch the Los Angeles Angels take on the Tampa Bay Rays. It ended up being a very worthwhile game to attend, with the Angels serving up a no-hitter. The two enjoyed all the action, and they cheered for the Angels throughout the game. 

In early August, Adrian and John watched the Dodgers play against the Minnesota Twins at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. Their baseball luck held up yet again as the Dodgers won the game, providing Adrian and John another great night! This time they even had VIP tickets, so food was included with their box seats, and they made friends with the other fans sitting in their section. Some asked about Easterseals and one fan even gave them an extra bobblehead. The guys also bought some new Dodgers gear, but continued to wear their Easterseals hats to show their Easterseals pride. 

Easterseals Direct Support Professional Jorge Gutierrez, who accompanied Adrian and John to both games, described the summer ballpark tour as “an amazing experience” and added, “The guys were so excited to see the games live, since they had been following them on television all season. They were jumping up and cheering with the crowd.”

When asked if he enjoyed the game, John gave an enthusiastic, “yes!” and can’t wait to attend more.

Whether these friends watch baseball from the comfort of their home or from the excitement of stadium seats, there’s no doubt Adrian and John will be cheering along for many more seasons to come.

Two men standing in front of an Angel's Baseball poster 

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