Staff members assist individuals with career exploration and discovery, job-skills assessments and job-placement services, as well as on-the-job coaching and retention supports. The anticipated outcomes for the people we support are:
Career Exploration and Discovery: Individualized skills assessments and site-based skill instruction provide teens and adults preparing for employment with the opportunity to explore their abilities and areas of interest.
Job Placement Services: Through collaboration and partnerships with local organizations, we provide individuals with competitive employment opportunities. Do you represent a company or an organization interested in hiring Easterseals' program participants? Please visit our Ability Awareness and Inclusion Partnership page for more details.
On-the-Job Support Services: Once placed in a position, individuals and their employers will continue to receive support, including: coaching, retention support, disability and diversity-awareness trainings.
LINK Program: LINK is our Employment + Autism Services program. Our team prepares individuals with autism for a success in the workplace.
Please visit our Supported Employment Services FAQs or contact us at 1-800-200-2119.
Easterseals matches qualified applicants with meaningful employment with the following types of employers: sports/entertainment venues, grocers, factories/labs, faith-based and other nonprofit organizations, government entities, restaurants, and retail businesses.