COVID-19 Strategy Update (3/16/2020)


Towards our commitment to keeping you and those you support healthy and safe, we are launching new procedures across the organization. Beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020, we are implementing the following strategies to reduce community risk:

  • In response to the call for social distancing, we are limiting traffic to our sites, including offices, homes, and community-based partners to primary duties only.
  • We are limiting non-essential business travel, face to face meetings, and non-essential training.
  • Towards keeping community office spaces clean and supporting social distancing, staff with the ability to work remotely should do so as guided by your program or administrative department's leadership. Remote staff will be available by phone, email, and skype.

As always, we will continue to take measures to ensure the health and safety of both our staff and individuals we support. For FAQs and other resources visit our Coronavirus website at

In following the state and federal government guidelines, the above is in effect until Friday, April 3, 2020. We will continue to monitor the situation and will update you frequently. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Darryl Kimble, who is compiling additional FAQs.


Wendy Sullivan
Chief Executive Officer

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