COVID-19 Policy & Procedure Acknowledgement (5/18/2020)

Easterseals Team,

We will be pushing out an acknowledgement form through ADP today for you to read and sign off on regarding new policies and procedures that have been or will be implemented as we continue to work or begin returning to work in the world of COVID-19.  You will be receiving more detailed information in the coming days from your director about specific changes in your area.  The acknowledgement we are asking you to review and sign off on states that you will read and follow all new COVID-19 related policies and procedures.  You will also notice various changes in the way our workplace will look as well as new practices and procedures.  Our goal is to ensure you feel safe and secure so together we can navigate the complexities of our new environment.  

Here are some things we are implementing or planning to implement to help keep our workplace safe and to support you:

       Taking temperatures of those who report to work.

       More frequent cleaning and sanitizing of work spaces.

       Access to hand sanitizer throughout the workplace.

       Continued remote work where possible.

       Staggered shifts so fewer people are on-site at one time.

       New limits on the number of people allowed to gather in rooms, conference rooms, and communal areas at one time. 

       Mandatory training for all staff on COVID-19 – more information to be disseminated next week.


Here are some things we expect you to implement to help keep our workplace safe:

       Do not come to work if you feel sick, have a fever or are exhibiting any symptoms of coronavirus.

       Wash your hands often, and for the recommended 20 seconds.

       Practice social distancing and stay at least 6 feet apart when moving through the workplace.

       Wear a face mask or cloth face covering in the workplace when around others.

       Call, email, message, or video conference as much as possible rather than meet face to face.

       Be conscious and understanding of your co-workers who may be dealing with child care issues, illness or loss of loved ones, financial insecurity, and other issues.


If you have any questions please reach out to myself, your director, Darryl Kimble in risk management or a member of the HR team.  Thank you for your cooperation and I hope you have a good weekend. 


Laurel Taylor
Chief Human Resources Officer


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