Ask Your Legislator

ask your legislator

Here's an example of what to say when you Ask your Legislator

  • Hi, my name is ______. I'm calling to share my experience with disabilities. People who are supported by community-based providers like Easterseals Midwest need your help, commitment, and support. 
  • Two of my four children, Jacob and Elroy, are under the age of 10 and are on the autism spectrum. It has been a long journey trying to understand how they need to be parented. 
  • Easterseals Midwest's Parent training helped me and my family be the best we can for our kids. Within a month of Parent Training, Jake began speaking in complete sentences. I truly never thought he'd talk or communicate without hitting or screaming. 
  • Today, it's as if the dam has broken! Our boys love to tell stories and ask questions. It's music to our ears. 
  • Families like mine need your help. Can we count on your continued support of people with IDD and providers like Easterseals Midwest? Thank you. 

For a downloadable version of the How-To Guide, click hereFor a downloadable version of the Sample Script, click here. 

To learn more about how to get involved at Easterseals Midwest, 
please contact us at 1-800-200-2119  or

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