The Missori Chamber of Commerce's Workforce 2030 Call to Action states the demand for Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) is one of the fastest growing needs in Missouri.
Currently, disability service providers are unable to fill vacant staff positions because DSP wages aren't competitive. The provider position vacancy rate is 25 percent, which leads to excessive overtime and puts services for people with disabilities at risk.
Fiscal Cost Savings
52 percent of Direct Support Professionals in Missouri rely on Public Assistance at the cost of taxpayer dollars.
The Rate Rebasement process, funded through DMH's General Revenue Budget Request, House Bill 10, Section 10.410, will bolster the state's economy by reducing the number of people on public assistance, increasing the amount of state income tax paid, and developing the workforce in Missouri's number one needed profession.
Without Rebasement, state funded service providers like Easterseals cannot pay a starting competitive wage, meaning Easterseals cannot recruit or retain front line employees, DSPs.
80 percent of adults want to live in their community, but research has found lower community engagement and increased isolation without a strong workforce.
Tell your legislator that they can help stabilize and support more than 100,000 Missourians with disabiltiies through the Rate Rebasement process by fully funding the General Revenue in the DMH House Bill 10, Section 10.410.