Easterseals is committed to providing the best care possible for your child, and we have provided some resources for you in the links below. When researching childcare facilities or talking to caregivers about the best care for your child, Easterseals suggests checking the following ABC's and short list of questions to help ensure you receive the best childcare possible.

The ABC's of Quality Childcare

A: Accredited Centers

Make sure the center follows the rigorous standards outlined by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

  • Is the center licensed?
  • Does the center operate according to the NAEYC accreditation guidelines?
  • Are caregivers trained and experienced?
  • Is the atmosphere bright and welcoming?
  • Does the environment appear safe and secure?
  • Are children supervised adequately?
  • Are parents welcome to visit at will? 

B: Belief in Each Child's Ability

Verify that each child receives an appropriate individualized learning plan with equal emphasis on cognitive, social, emotional, and physical skills.

  • Are children allowed choices for activities and environments?
  • Do children seem engaged in stimulating activities?
  • Are appropriate therapies available on site?
  • Are toys safe, clean, and within reach of the children? 

C: Committed Teachers

Check to see if the center provides a safe, nurturing environment with trained teachers who encourage and love each child.

  • Are children greeted in a loving, respected manner?
  • Are there caring, nurturing interactions taking place between caregivers and children?
  • Do the staff demonstrate respect for one another and the children?
  • Are caregivers trained in CPR and first aid?
  • Are caregivers involved in continuing education programs?
  • Do caregivers communicate with parents daily?