Join us at National Harbor Waterfront Plaza
September 21, 2024

Check-in: 9:00 am | Start: 10:00 am (staggered start)
Registration: $35 (includes t-shirt and parking) | Under 12: Free

Don't miss your chance to be part of the fun and support Easterseals programs!

Sign up to join us and learn more!

Walk With Me welcomes walkers, riders, dogs (leashed), and anyone who believes in inclusion, access, and high-quality care for children and adults, people with disabilities, and military families. This year, we're paying special tribute to our military veterans and their families.

Choose a 1- or 3-mile course option or just have fun! We'll have refreshments, entertainment, and lots of fun for the whole family:

  • Live DJ
  • Fitness warm up
  • Healthful snacks
  • Activities for kids, including crafts and face painting
  • Vaccine clinic and health screenings

Can't wait to see you there!