Easter Seals Serving DC|MD|VA Host Learning Language and Loving It Workshop in Silver Spring


On May 9th - 12th, Easter Seals acted as a host site for the Hanen's Learning Language and Loving It (LLLI) language workshop at the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Inter-Generational Center in Silver Spring. LLLI is a three-day workshop that equips speech language pathologists and early childhood facilitators to deliver an evidence-based training to educators that has been shown to enhance long-term teacher interactive behavior and increase child language use.

During the workshop, held in the Richard & Rae Swirnow Center of Excellence in Training, many participants were trained to become responsive and effective language facilitators, including organizations from New York City and Miami, Florida. Four Easter Seals participants received certificates from the language workshop. 

Delivering Hanen training to educators means providing them with immediately usable strategies that they can put into practice the moment they return to their classrooms - strategies that can result in dramatic changes in how their children communicate with them. Easter Seals is thrilled to be able to implement this innovate approach to language into all of the classrooms at each child development center.

This workshop was part of Easter Seals' community outreach efforts, providing opportunities to engage staff, clients, caregivers, and members of the community.

For additional information about our community outreach, please visit us HERE.

For additional information about our child development centers, please visit us HERE

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