Adult Audiology Services and Hearing Aids

We offer hearing tests, hearing aids and treatments for adults of all ages in our community audiology clinics. Our highly-skilled licensed audiologists are able to provide you with personalized services in a warm, neighborhood setting.  Our adult patients frequently tell us how welcome they feel at our centers, saying that it was the first time they felt they were tested comprehensively and really listened to. We pride ourselves on the trust our patients place in us. We always ensure that each patient’s unique hearing, communication and budget needs are the priority when making decisions together.  

From Healthy Hearing: New research links hearing loss to an increased risk of falls.

By identifying and treating a hearing loss, you are three times less likely to fall. If you've never had your hearing checked or think it might be impacting your balance, schedule a hearing screening today!

Latest blog post: Understanding Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss in Adults

Addressing hearing loss early on is vital for having the full and involved life you desire. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), hearing loss is a prevalent, chronic condition among adults of all ages. Close to 8 million people between the ages of 18 and 44 have hearing loss. It is recommended that adults be screened at least every decade up through age 50 and at three-year intervals thereafter.

Any adult experiencing the following symptoms should have their hearing evaluated:

  • An unusual feeling in the ears or noticeable change in hearing abilities

  • Difficulty understanding speech

  • Asking others to repeat themselves

  • Family or friends noticing a change in your hearing/memory or listening

  • Turning up the volume on the television

  • Difficulty understanding telephone conversations

Audiology FAQs

What can I expect during my hearing evaluation appointment?

You should plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early to complete paperwork and registration if not already completed.  When you first arrive you will be greeted at the front desk and will sign in.  There will be seating in the waiting area of the Audiology Department.  You will need to complete a one-page case history form, a Consent and HIPAA form, and a basic registration page.  Your audiologist will greet you in the Audiology waiting area when it is time for your appointment.    

The audiologist will talk with you about your concerns, your doctor’s concerns, and review your case history.  During the history, the audiologist will also determine your overall communication needs.

Following a thorough history, the audiologist will examine the outer ear with an otoscope. Based on the history and physical examination of the ear, the audiologist will determine the tests that are required for your needs. These may include but are not limited to:

  • Tympanometry and acoustic reflexes to assess the status of the middle ear and auditory neural pathways.

  • Pure tone thresholds by air and bone conduction to determine the degree and type of hearing loss.

  • Tests of speech threshold and speech recognition in quiet and perhaps also in noise, to determine the ability to comprehend more complex signals.

  • Special tests of auditory function, such as otoacoustic emissions, dependant upon your symptoms and results of other tests.

What happens after the hearing evaluation?

The audiologist will go over your results with you.  It can be very beneficial to have a spouse or family member accompany you to the visit.  Any questions you may have about your diagnosis can be asked at this time.  Appropriate recommendations will be offered at this time and may include medical referral, further testing, monitoring or amplification.  

How do I get started?

For more information or to make an appointment contact:

  • Elgin Center: Scheduling & Admissions Coordinator at 847.742.3264

  • Villa Park Center: Audiology Intake Coordinator at 630.282.2023
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