Our Services

Disabilty Programs in New Jersey

In order to enrich the lives of people with disabilities and special needs living in the state, we have taken a hard look at our local communities to identify unmet needs. We the developed disability programs in New Jersey that provide the kinds of support that individuals and their loved ones want and need.

These programs are designed to provide opportunities to LIVE, LEARN, WORK, and PLAY in their communities.

Services - LiveLIVE

Our residences and individual supports provide a safe and supportive space for participants to learn daily living skills and achieve successful independent living.

Populations served:
• Adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and other special needs
• Adults with a diagnosed mental illness

Services provided:
Residential services for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities
Residential services for people with a diagnosed mental illness
Individual supports

Services - LearnLEARN

Our “learn” programs provide individualized instruction combined with real world experiences, preparing participants to fully integrate into the community. Highly trained staff work directly with individuals to help them learn various life skills and achieve personal goals.

Populations served:
• Adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and other special needs
• Adults with a diagnosed mental illness

Services provided:
Intensive case management
Supportive housing case management
Care coordination
Day habilitation (day programs)
Individual & community based supports

Services - WorkWORK

Our vocational training and employment programs prepare individuals to enter the workforce and achieve financial independence. By providing opportunities to learn job skills and experience competitive employment our participants are ready to enter the world of work.

Populations served:
• Adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and other special needs
• Adults with a diagnosed mental illness
• Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing
• Mature adults (55+)

Services provided:

Vocational training 
• Career Pathway Connections 
Extended Employment
Supported employment
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

Services - PlayPLAY

Play and recreational activities are a restorative pastime that can be every bit as important as our employment services. Our camp, recreation, and respite services are designed to increase socialization and make sure participants, families, and caregivers enjoy all that life has to offer.

Populations served:
• Adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and other special needs
• Respite for families or caregivers of individuals living with disabilities

Services provided:
Camp Merry Heart
Travel program
Respite: in home | out-of-home | hotel

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Last updated: May 21, 2024

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