Adult Disability and Mental Health Services

Mental Health Services

Easterseals New Jersey offers various services for people with serious mental illness, allowig individuals to begin their jouney to greater independence.

Residential Services
Structured, supportive environments where participants can take control of their own personal well-being

Case Management
Individuals are assigned a case manager to help them on the right path toward personalized goals

Behavioral Health Home
Ensures individuals diagnosed with a mental illness et connected to the health and community services they want and need.

Prevocational Training
Assists individuals ready to enter the workforce, preparing them with on-site job training, where they even earn a paycheck.

Supported Employment
Job coaches work with individuals to identify their career goals and assist them in reaching their potential.

Disability Services

Residential Services
Individuals are provided with a safe and supportive home with opportunities to enhance their quality of life with various social and educational activities.

Day Habilitation
Community-based day program, teaching participants valuable life skills through instruction and real-world experiences so they can better participate in their community.

Prevocational Training
Assists individuals ready to enter the workforce, preparing them with on-site job training, where they can even earn a paycheck.

Supported Employment
Job coaches work with individuals to identify their career goals and assist them in reaching their potential.

Trek Trips - Travel Program
Fun, friendly, safe, and fully exclusive excursions for people with disabilities to visit vaation destinations with their peers.

Last updated: July 18, 2024

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