Emergency Action: Hurricane Harvey Relief for Easterseals of Greater Houston

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The damage is catastrophic.

Homes are lost, highways are closed, and it is difficult to get food or gas into communities hit by Hurricane Harvey. Thousands of people are still being rescued as we send this email.

In the heart of the devastation, Easterseals of Greater Houston is reaching out to the more than 10,000 people with disabilities they serve to make sure they are safe – and to respond to their immediate and long-term needs.

As a vital part of the Easterseals family, your help is critical to be sure Easterseals of Greater Houston is there for these families – including people with disabilities, seniors and children with special needs – now and for what promises to be a long road ahead in the rebuilding of the city and the lives of millions of Houstonians.

Join us as we at Easterseals rally across the nation for our colleagues in Houston and the families they serve there!

To quote the CEO of Easterseals Central Texas, who went into Houston with members of his community in rescue boats to help: "You gotta love being a Texan and being a part of the Easterseals Family.”

Although we may not all be Texan, we are all, indeed, members of the human family during challenging times like this in our nation’s history. Emergency funding is needed to make sure that Easterseals Greater Houston is ready to help in the aftermath of Harvey to respond to the many needs that families with children and adults with disabilities will have. Already stressed and stretched to the max financially and emotionally, these families have special needs unlike their neighbors: expensive durable medical equipment including wheelchairs and assistive technology not covered by insurance but necessary to live, learn work and play in their communities.

Please consider donating to help us respond to the needs of the families served by Easterseals of Greater Houston,” is the passionate request of Easterseals Greater Houston CEO Elise Hough. “Your support will mean a faster recovery and better outcomes for our babies, children and adults with disabilities and their families.”

We thank you for your continuous support over the years and for your generosity now. With your help, we can start the recovery process in Houston with a strong Easterseals there to respond to families who are counting on us!

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