Parent Resources

Continuity of Education Plan During COVID-19 Crisis

Click here to learn about our continuity of education plan

For center-based programs in all divisions

2023-2024 Parent Handbook for center-based programs

2024-2025 Intake Packet for center-based programs

2024-2025 Manual Para Familias para programs basados en centros

2023-2024 Formulario de Admision

For community-based programs in all divisions

2022-2023 Parent Handbook for community-based programs

For Friendship Academy

2024-2025 Intake Packet for Friendship Academy

2022-2023 Parent Handbook for Friendship Academy

Philadelphia Division Yaffe Center Welcome Packet

Welcome Letter

Music Therapy


Occupational Therapy

Social Work

Speech and Language

PBIS Introduction

PBIS Mission and Vision

PBIS Backpack handout

PBIS Tell Me What To Do Instead Flier

Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)

Easterseals has impleted Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) in all of our programs. PBIS is a framework for supporting the social and emotional development of our students. The goal of implementing PBIS is to create an environment where every child feels good about coming to school. Below are some helpful resources for parents.

Yaffe PBIS Brochure

Early Intervention Center PBIS Brochure

Bucks County PBIS Brochure

Delaware County PBIS Brochure

Montgomery County PBIS Brochure

How to help your child understand and label emotions

How to teach your child to appropriately get your attention

How to help your child stop biting

How to use positive language to improve your child's behavior

How to use social stories to teach your child new skills and expectations

How to understand the meaning of your child's challenging behavior

Making life easier running errands Spanish version

Making life easier running errands

Tell me what to do instead

Tell me what to do instead Spanish version

Additional PBIS Resources

Tucker Turtle Takes Time to Tuck and Think at Home (

Tucker Turtle Song and Finger Play (

Solution Kit: Home Edition (

Feeling Faces Chart and Template (

Help Us Calm Down: Strategies for Children (

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