Assistive Technology


Assistive Technology Breaks Down Barriers & Promotes Participation

 What It Is: Assistive Technology (AT) is

  • Any device or adaptation that helps a person with a disability improve or maintain his or her functional capabilities.  It can be as simple as a pencil gripper or as complex as a computer that is activated by eye gaze.
  • Services that help a person with a disability and his family and team select, acquire and use a device.

 Our Team:  Easter Seals of SE PA has a very experienced team consisting of the following licensed and certified professionals--

  • Joy McGowan, MS, CCC-SLP, Director of Assistive Technology and Augmentative Communication
  • Marcia Leinweber, MA, ATP, Assistive Technology Coordinator
  • George Russo, Assistive Technology Assistant

We are committed to helping each client participate in his or her home, school and community activities by developing functional, practical and individualized strategies. 


 Our Clients:  We work with people of all ages to develop spoken & written communication, computer access, play and leisure skills, functional positioning and environmental access.  We support our clients’ families and teams as well.  See below* for some of our success stories!


 Our Services: We provide

  • ·Consultations, evaluations and training in AT at Easter Seals sites, in schools and work places or in the community of our clients by collaborating with families and teams.
  • Loans of equipment for AT trials or help in borrowing equipment from Pennsylvania Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT), Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) or vendors.  Check out out some resources.
  • Assistance in acquiring funding through insurers, loan programs such as the Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation or other funders. 
  • Educational workshops and presentations related to Assistive Technology.

 How to Access Our Services: 

  • Children in Easter Seals Approved Private Schools may be referred by their team members including parents.
  • Children in Early Intervention Programs in the counties surrounding Philadelphia may be referred by their teams through the child’s service coordinator.
  • Children in Elwyn Preschool Programs may be referred by their team through the child’s service coordinator.
  • Children in Public or Charter Schools may be referred by their district IEP teams.
  • Adults needing adaptations for employment or education may be referred by Office of Vocational Rehabilitation counselors.
  • Families, adults or insurers may contract with us privately for fee for service evaluations, consultations or trainings.
  • Questions? Contact us at or call 267-292-6009

 *AT Success Stories--See how Assistive Technology has helped some of our clients participate in their daily occupations!

Augmentative & Alternative Communications

Adapted Play

Adapted Computers and Adapted Access

Environmental Adaptations

Adapted Seating

Adapted Mobility


 We Thank Our Partners in Assistive Technology:

Comcast NBC Universal: provided substantial support for our iPad program, which has enabled children with complex communication needs and special education needs to develop their skills.


Drexel University Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design:  donated Macintosh computers for use in our classrooms.


Seed the Dream Foundation: funded purchase of eye gaze technology for the AT Library for trials to determine which device best meets the needs of people who will use eye gaze technology for communication and computer access.


TD Charitable Foundation:  funded interactive whiteboards to provide large screened interactive computer programs to enhance participation in our classrooms at our Bucks County school.


The Clemens Family Corporation:  provided both financial and in-kind support to help the Bucks County division of Easter seals acquire interactive whiteboards for evaluation, adapted instruction, motor therapy and professional development.


The Provident Bank Foundation:  funded interactive whiteboards to provide a large screen interactive format to promote inclusive activities for all children at the Bucks County school.


University of Florida Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: Students and Professors from these departments assisted us with implementing GoBabyGo by providing technical assistance and logistical support.


Volunteers:  have provided help with our GoBabyGo project and with repair of our electronic toys.  We are looking for volunteers who like to construct and repair toys and kiddie cars for our projects.


Resources for Assistive Technology:

Assistive Technology Definitions and Legal Requirements

PATF--Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation

Provides loans for acquiring AT.



PaTTAN--Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network

Provides training and loans of equipment to Pennsylvania educators and local education agencies.

 Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation


 PIAT--Pennsylvania Initiative on Assistive Technology

Provides training and loans of equipment to all Pennsylvanians.



 Questions? Contact us at (267)292-6009 or email












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