Workplace/Employee Giving

Workplace Giving

Now more than ever your workplace giving has an incredible impact. For more information about Workplace Giving and Employee Engagement Opportunities, contact Liz Meckes at or 484-234-8007.


Combined Federal Campaign (CFC 24049)

Federal government employees and military employees can pledge their support to Easterseals of Southeastern PA through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) by selecting the CFC code 24049. Campaigns usually run from September and January so be sure to check with your employer so you don’t miss out. 


Community Health Charities

If your employer partners with Community Health Charities, look for the Easterseals of Southeastern PA code in the CHC partner charity list or in the campaign’s combined brochure.


Corporate Employee Gift Programs

Many national and local corporations offer their employees an opportunity to make a charitable donation through payroll deductions. If your employer offers an independent campaign, ask your program administrator how to designate your gift to Easterseals. We’d love to invite you for a tour or come to your company to talk about why Easterseals is a much-needed resource in our community. Contact us for more information or guidance. 


Corporate Sponsorships

72% of customers would recommend a brand that supports a good cause over one that doesn’t*. We have sponsorship opportunities for companies and budgets of all sizes. Contact us for more information or to create a sponsorship designed just for your company’s goals. Here is one way we highlighted our corporate sponsors in our 2024 Walk With Me Ambassador Video Series.  

Employee Engagement Opportunities

82% of businesses say their employees want the opportunity to volunteer with peers in a corporate-supported event*. Feeling good about work while doing good at work is a win/win. Easterseals has remote and no-contact volunteer opportunities available. Contact us to learn more about volunteer opportunities, and watch this video from a volunteer toy adaptation workshop.  


Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC)

Your company may be able to support Easterseals of Southeastern PA through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC). Pennsylvania tax credits offset the tax of a business that makes a qualified charitable contribution benefiting Easterseals of Southeastern Pennsylvania. EITC allows businesses to receive a 75%-90% credit on their state income tax for the contributions they make to Easterseals through this program. The tax credit is taken in the year the contribution is made. Instead of sending dollars outside of our community as taxes, businesses can keep them local to benefit our Friendship Academy Inclusive Preschool. Additional information is available online at (type EITC in the search box) or by calling the PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) at 717-787-7120.  If you have any questions about the EITC Program, please contact Liz Meckes at 484-234-8007 or


Matching Gifts

Double your donation, double your impact. Does your company match charitable gifts? Click here to see if your employer matches gifts made to Easterseals of Southeastern PA. All gifts made through workplace giving are tax deductible. 


United Way (UWGPSNJ 15113)

The United Way donor choice campaign makes it easy to support Easterseals. Often these donations are made via payroll deduction. Our United Way Donor Code is 15113. Click here to go directly to the Donor Choice Program Page, then search for “Easterseals of Southeastern PA” or enter donor code 15113.


Workplace Giving Resources

Interested in more information?

  • Download our printable Workplace Giving Infographic The Magic of Workplace Giving here: The Magic of Workplace Giving (2).pdf
  • A corporate culture of giving is important. “Nearly 6 in 10 employees told us it was imperative or very important to work where culture is supportive of giving and volunteering.” Read more here.
  • If you build it, they will give. But how to start a program at your company? “Workplace giving is the starting point for building a generous, positive work environment.” Read more here.

*Source: Facts & Statistics on Workplace Giving, Matching Gifts, and Volunteer Programs, America's Charities Snapshot Employee Research. Philanthropy Daily "What Works in Workplace Giving" by Genevieve Shaker and Robert Christensen

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