Scott Discovers the Health Benefits of Camp


When Scott returned home from his first stay at Camp Merry Heart for a 6-day respite this summer, his mother called to tell us how happy she was that Scott lost 5lbs while he was at Camp Merry Heart for the 6 day camp respite!

Initially, Scott was very shy upon arrival. But, after a few hours, his counselor, Sarah, introduced him to the other campers and staff members and his confidence began to increase as he started making friends.

In the beginning of the week, he needed frequent rest breaks while walking between buildings but by the end of the session, he was racing around camp and even telling Sarah to keep up with him! Scott’s favorite activities were swimming and dancing to the live band that played at camp, as well as enjoying the camaraderie around the campfire.

Both he and his mom were very pleased at the benefits to physical health and wellbeing from the recreational opportunities that Easter Seals New Jersey provides.

Camp Merry Heart looks forward to Scott’s next camp visit!

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