Facing a mental health crisis? Dial '988'. For services, call 1.800.75.SEALS

Employment Options

We are committed to helping individuals with intellectual disabilities expand their employment opportunities. We work with vocational providers, school districts, transportation agencies, state agencies and other community resources to offer those we serve a variety of employment options.

Services Offered

  • Transitioning from School to Adult Life: We are there to work with students and parents and schools to ensure a seamless transition from school to adult life. This includes ensuring transition is based on family values, culture and student choice. We help with transition by attending IEPs, Family Nights, or other events to provide resources to families.
  • Job Coaching:  Job coaches train, support, and motivate, and assist individuals with disabilities in their jobs. They advocate for employees who may be looking for advancement opportunities or job change, working toward employee independence and inclusion in the workplace.
  • Out of Home Non-Vocational Services: This includes assistance with learning, remembering, or improving self-help, social and daily living skills.
  • Pre-Vocational Services: This includes training in things like staying on task, direction following and building relationships with others to help individuals get ready for work.
  • Skill-Building Assistance: This includes activities to increase financial independence and/or engage in meaningful activities such as higher education and/or volunteering
  • Supported Employment: This includes supports and help find and maintain paid work in the community.

Having Your Own Business

We support individuals to realize the dream of owning their own business through Supported Self-Employment and Microenterprises.

  • Supported Self-Employment: This means an individual with a disability owns their own business, while receiving support and ongoing assistance with business operations.
  • Microenterprises: This is a business with less than five employees, usually just the owner, with limited earning capacity. Microenterprises have played an important role in helping individuals with significant disabilities earn income and engage in meaningful activities of their own choosing.


Vocational support services are available to individuals who have an intellectual disability and are on Medicaid and eligible for public mental health services.

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