Contact Us

If you have comments, questions or would like more information on Easterseals MORC's services, please contact us by filling out the form below. Your inquiry will be forwarded to our Contact Center and answered by the next business day. 

Make a Referral to request services for yourself or another individual.

Note: To reach Easterseals MORC after hours, contact the number provided to you by Easterseals staff or call 800.75.SEALS. If your matter is a life-threatening emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

 1.   Please enter your contact information below. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
If you have previously registered, login here to prepopulate your information.


      *Last Name:

      Street 1:

      Street 2:


      State / Province:

     *Zip/Postal Code:


2. How did you learn about our Web site?:

3. I am a primary caregiver for a child/children:
4. I am a primary caregiver for an aging parent:

5. I have a disability or someone close to me has a disability:

6. Someone close to me, or a family member, is living with autism:

7. I am/was in the United States Armed Forces, or someone close to me is/was:

Easterseals MORC

Call us
248-475-6300 | 800-75-SEALS (toll-free)
If you are hard of hearing (HOH) call Michigan Relay at "711"

Find us
2399 E. Walton Blvd.
Auburn Hills, MI 48326

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Please search our Affiliates and Service Centers by zip code or state using the forms below.