Easterseals and the CENTURY 21® System's Easy Access Housing for Easier Living Program

A Safe Home is No Accident: A Checklist for your Family

Easterseals and the Century 21® System are working together to help decrease the needless disabling injuries and deaths that occur at home. More than 20,000 Americans die every year due to home accidents. Approximately three million more are disabled.

Turning on a light in an accessible homeDeveloped by Easterseals and brought to you by the Century 21 System

These figures are alarming. But what's more alarming is that thousands of these deaths and injuries should never happen. They're easily preventable. Take a few moments right now to check if your home is accident prone by taking each online quiz below. Alternately, print the convenient checklist to help you locate potential hazards. Once located, correct them. We'd rather prevent disabilities than treat them.

Is your home safe? 
Complete each quiz below or print a copy of the checklist directly from your Web browser.

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