Supporting Renee and Her Family

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Since birth, Craig and Michele's baby daughter, Renee, had struggled to take in nourishment, despite an array of baby formulas, medical experts and diagnostic tests.

Desperate for answers and solutions as Renee's growth and development lagged, the couple brought their daughter to Easterseals when she was 7 months old.

"It was amazing," Craig says of that initial visit. "For the first time, professionals from different disciplines were working together, and immediately there was a rapport and confidence that they were going to have a plan to help us."

Michele adds: "The difference, quality and level of expertise at Easterseals was eye opening."

Indeed, after determining that Renee had a protein imbalance, the Easterseals team found a new formula that she could keep down. Renee also started therapy at Easterseals to further address her feeding challenges.

Today Renee is 9, and she has come so far. Even today, the family never takes for granted the joy of eating dinner together. Renee has been working very hard on feeding herself. She still is unable to speak, and she uses a walker for mobility, but she attends her local school and continues therapy at Easterseals to get stronger, master everyday skills, and work on communicating.

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