What Happened to the Lily: A Q&A on Our New Brand

As our new and revitalized brand rolls out, we know that you may have many questions about what's changing at Easterseals. We're here to explore the exciting new face of Easterseals, and share our invigorated vision.

Something looks different…

We’re glad you noticed! Today we launched a new, revitalized brand. It’s a re-introduction to the American public as the indispensable resource for individuals and families facing today’s disabilities. It’s something we’ve focused on for almost two years, and we’re so excited to finally unveil the results to our friends like you.

Over the next year, you’ll see our fresh new brand take hold over our website and social media, through a variety of communications and across our local centers.

One thing we aren’t changing is who we support or how we make a difference. We remain the champion for people living with disabilities, veterans, caregivers and families.

Why now?

Disabilities have become increasingly complex in the 21st century. The definition of disability itself is broader, going beyond the physical to include emotional, intellectual, social and educational issues.

As we’ve evolved with the times, expanding in scale and scope to meet new and emerging needs in our communities, our work’s become less distinct and visible. There are millions more we could be helping, who just don’t know enough about us.

That’s where the good news starts! This new brand is a banner for us to change the way the world views and defines disability, not as a condition that labels people, but as a barrier, a part of life that affects all of us. To ensure we’re ready, we’ve challenged ourselves to think outside the box — or the lily, if you will.

Wait…what’s happening to the lily?

The lily will always have a soft-spot in the history of Easterseals, and while it certainly had a good run, the lily never spoke to the work we do day-in and day-out in communities like yours.

Instead we’ve unveiled a new logo that speaks to our actions and unified voice. Intentionally all lower case, each letter is crafted to be open, accessible, readable, distinct, a visible expression of our commitment to be personal, honest, determined and local.

The new design around our name appears as rays of light, hope, sunshine, radiating out from the “e.” The deliberate grouping of circles in the new logo symbolize our breadth, our scope, our network, our communities, our individuals served, all coming together to take on disability.

What’s the meaning behind “Easterseals”

We’re introducing a new word to your vocabulary, Easterseals. Separately, the words Easter and Seals conjure various connotations for many people, or misunderstandings about who we are and what we actually do. Together, the new single word works to strip away this confusion and pay tribute to our legacy and past with a new openness to build our own meaning for the name.

So is orange the new red?

We sure hope so! We’re now Easterseals orange, and a little Easterseals yellow. Orange and yellow convey a personality that’s informal, warm and engaging, and exudes confidence and fearlessness. All traits our friends use to describe us, and we strive to live up to everyday.

Tell me more about “Taking on disability together”

Taking on disability together is a brief distillation of our purpose statement. Its significant presence within the logo works to answer the million dollar question, what does Easterseals do anyway?

The tagline links Easterseals quickly to our cause, to disability, and establishes an active call-to-action for others to join with us, be a part of an important movement.

Easterseals is you, me, all of us. Taking on disability together.

See what an Easterseals CEO and mom thinks about the new brand!

Discover more about our fresh new brand and the exciting things to come.

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