Catching Up With Scottie Gaither

Easter Seals 2008 youth representative Scottie Gaither

It seems like yesterday that Scottie Gaither was our 2008 Easterseals National Child Representative — our first representative with autism.

As a result, he’ll always be Scottie to us — though these days, he is better known as Scott, a nearly 6-foot tall high school sophomore who plays football, earned a varsity letter his freshman year on the swim team, and participates in his high school ROTC program.

Scott, 16, has come far since he received early intervention at his local Easterseals, starting when he was two years old. He hardly remembers those days, but his mother, Barbara, says the early therapy and educational support he received at Easterseals quickly made an impact. His communication and social skills improved greatly, and Scott was able to start kindergarten on time.

That early foundation is a big reason why Scott is thriving in high school today. The family knows other teens with autism who aren’t as engaged and involved in their school community, because they did not get the early help that Scott did.

Now more than ever, the Gaithers are grateful that Easterseals was there for them. Barbara, who currently serves on their local Easterseals board of directors, says, “Those three years at Easterseals made such a huge difference.”

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