Objective: To secure beautiful original floral art work from which Easterseals can select pieces that will become part of the 2025 Easterseals Seal campaign.

Background: Easterseals, founded in 1919, is a non-profit organization which provides programs and services to help children and adults with disabilities achieve independence. Since 1934, Easterseals has been using decorative stamps to raise money and create awareness of its programs. Today, nearly 10 million households nationwide receive the organization's seal campaign each spring.

Benefit: Participating in this program is a wonderful opportunity to gain national exposure for your creative talents, while at the same time helping Easterseals to raise funds to provide programs and services for people with disabilities.

Deadline for Submission: Must be received by Friday, July 12th, 2024.

For more information about the Easterseals Art Contest, please do not hesitate to call 312-551-7124 or email at alambert@easterseals.com.