Kindergarten Readiness

Play, Learn and Grow Group

The Kindergarten Readiness Program, developed by therapists to supplement pre-school. This program is a structured play group, open to all children 2.5 to 5 years of age, to help children to develop the skills needed to succeed in the classroom. Children will have fun while interacting with other children, learning, and growing in their skills with engaging activities, songs and games.

This currently is a FREE program offered during morning and late afternoon, in one hour time slots. Parents can choose to participate or may be asked to help assist their child.

This program will help to develop the following:
•    Gross motor
•    Fine motor
•    Academics
•    Social skills
•    Coordination
•    Handwriting
•    Direction Following

For more information or to Register: To Register your child on line, click here  (To reserve a spot once registered, Click the link below to schedule)
 or Call Julianne Laird
330-599-5564 or email:

Once registered, click to schedule

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