Take Action on Legislative Issues Affecting People with Disabilities

Easterseals assists members of Congress and their staff, White House and federal agency officials, and representatives of other national interests -- as well as citizens like you -- to understand and act in support of policies and programs that help people with disabilities to live with equality, dignity and independence.

Easterseals' legislative efforts focus on health care, early intervention, child care, education, employment, housing, supports for older Americans, recreation, assistive technology, transportation, and nonprofit organization operations.

You Can Help!

Join Easterseals today in educating and informing public officials about issues that affect individuals with disabilities. View Easterseals Action Alerts and contact your legislators now!

Take Action

With your help today, you can ensure important measures around health, education, employment, transportation and other services are available for those who need them most.

Advocacy Resources

Small images of Easterseals campaign posters  about the ADA

Legislative Landmarks

Easterseals has been active in public policy advocacy since our found, Edgar Allen, lobbied the Ohio Legislature to fund appropriate services for children with disabilities in the 1920s. We continue to actively support and promote federal legislation that helps people with disabilities achieve independence.

Legislative Landmarks
A sign with the accessibility symbol - an figure of a person in a wheelchair

Public Policy Priorities

Easterseals is dedicated to ensuring that the rights and resources that people with disabilities rely on are protected and expanded. To achieve that goal, we focus our efforts to protect, renew and expand access to effective services and supports for individuals with disabilities, older adults, and veterans to help them reach their potential and thrive in their communities.

Public Policy Priorities
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