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After School Program

Easterseals After School Program is FREE to qualifying families at Finland Elementary. Our students receive homework help, take part in physical fitness activities and enjoy a nutritious snack. This program is possible thanks to the partnership of Franklin County Commissioners and Franklin County Job and Family Services. The Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services (FCDJFS) partners with qualified organizations to operate beyond school youth programs in order to address the need for safe and constructive opportunities for Franklin County elementary school aged youth. Each day's routine is similar to a school schedule but in smaller time increments. STEM, reading, physical fitness, and nutrition activities are designed to make sure that the attendees of the program don't lose the progress they've made in school.



Fall 2023 - May 2024
Monday - Friday 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Finland Elementary
1835 Finland Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43223
Fitness day 23

After School Program Quick Facts

  • • No tuition cost to families who qualify for TANF benefits (Ohio Works First, SNAP or Medicaid) or qualify based on household size and income.
  • • Nutritious snacks are provided by Children's Hunger Alliance, at no cost.
  • • Participants must be in Kindergarten to 4th grade to attend
  • • Bussing will be provided to and from Finland each day for families living within a 2-3 mile radius from school
  • • Low student to staff ratios, 1:12 Staff/Student
  • • Enrollment packets are available now, ready for pick up in main office at West Franklin and Finland schools, or by contacting Katharine Cordova ( at Easterseals Central and Southeast Ohio and she can email or mail you a packet. After completing the application you may be asked to provide additional information such as pay stubs, verification of guardianships, etc. The TANF registration form (contained in the application) will help us determine your eligibility.

Guac Making 22 Guac Making 22

Questions? Contact Kathy Cordova at 614-228-5523 ext. 1107 or

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