Meet Charlotte: Always sharing a smile!

Charlotte Browning smiling close-up

Every Wednesday, Charlotte arrives at the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center with a smile on her face! She’s an exuberant 4-year-old who is always excited to “play” with her therapists. Of course, as she plays, Charlotte also reaches goals for greater independence!

Charlotte has such an engaging personality, you might not guess that she lagged behind her peers in learning to speak, walk, and write. She struggled to stay focused on any task and her attention wandered. Change was difficult and just switching from one activity to the next felt almost impossible. Charlotte had very negative reactions to some textures, which affected her ability to touch certain materials or eat a variety of foods.

When assessments revealed that Charlotte had developmental delays and autism, Easterseals therapists developed a treatment plan especially for her. “Now she’s a completely different kid!” said Charlotte’s mom Ashley.

Charlotte’s vocabulary has grown tremendously. She can communicate using full sentences, asks questions, and enjoys having conversations. She also loves singing, especially Happy Birthday! Charlotte can draw, uses scissors to cut shapes, and is learning to write her name. She’s working on getting dressed independently and can use buttons and snaps; zippers are next! Charlotte is gradually accepting more foods, which improves her nutrition. She’s also getting more comfortable with different textures. She even loves playing with Slime and sand, materials that she couldn’t stand to touch in the past! Switching her attention from one activity to the next is going more smoothly, too. And she’s learning to catch a ball!

As Charlotte continues her Easterseals journey, her curiosity and confidence keep growing. She is always accomplishing something new and unexpected. Charlotte recently decided to learn Spanish on her tablet and is having a great time! “I call her my wild flower with a free spirit!” Ashley said.

Friends of Easterseals make it possible for Charlotte to blossom and reach her dreams. We appreciate everyone who gives to make a life-changng difference!

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