Ask Matt Hartz if he’s familiar with the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center, and he’ll tell you, “I’ve received services there my whole life!” Matt has cerebral palsy, and one of his early Easterseals memories is learning to walk for the first time as a 3-year-old. Teachers and therapists–and generous Easterseals supporters–empowered Matt to reach important developmental milestones, get ready for kindergarten, and succeed in school.
Easterseals was here for Matt again when he was a young adult. He learned to drive using adapted controls, which led to new goals, new connections, and new opportunities.
Matt is now a busy family man with two kids and a successful career in the hospitality industry. He usually gets around very efficiently with a manual wheelchair, but on the job, one thing was challenging–moving on thick carpeting, especially when delivering items to hotel guests. Matt needed a solution at work and turned to the Assistive Technology Solutions division at the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center.
Easterseals experts assessed Matt’s needs and recommended a high-tech attachment that temporarily transforms his wheelchair from manual to power-assist operation. Now Matt can propel his chair farther and faster with much less effort! It makes his job much easier! As a bonus, it also enables him to fully participate in family activities, including outings to attractions like Holiday World and Mesker Park Zoo.
Matt keeps building on the independence that he first achieved as a child at Easterseals. Because of generous donors, essential therapy services are still changing lives for local children today, regardless of their families’ ability to pay! With continued community support, Easterseals will be here to lend a hand today, tomorrow, and throughout their lives.
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