
girl playing with brightly colored toy

At five years old, Charli possesses a confidence well beyond her years. Charli has autism and a mom who is an extraordinary advocate. Getting an official diagnosis and services can be a tough process, even when there isn’t a pandemic. Her mom, Tamara, has approached every potential obstacle as a challenge. This helped her navigate therapeutic services during the pandemic and is what ultimately led Charli to Easterseals. After multiple recommendations and a tour, it was clear the autistic support program was perfect for Charli. From the very first day of school, she has been doing amazing things. Her communication skills have improved, which has helped reduce frustrations and challenges both at home and in school. She can focus for longer periods, allowing her to do things like enjoy meals at the table and spending less time on screens and more time playing. When she’s not at school, she loves being with her family, especially her brother and sister, Jeremiah and Journey. Charli loves books, Bluey, and Sonic the Hedgehog. She really loves all types of pretend play, especially dress-up! With the support of her family and Easterseals, Charli’s fun-loving personality can shine.

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