Adult Services

Easterseals Iowa provides exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to live, learn, work and play in their communities.  We provide a wide range of support for adults with disabilities to promote independence and opportunity.

Day Services

Clients Socially Integrated

Participants in the Clients Socially Integrated program go out into the community each day to learn transferable skills leading to independent community integration. Learn more.

Life Club

Our Adult Day Habilitation program, Life Club, takes place on site at Camp Sunnyside and provides skill training for greater independence. Learn more.

Achieving Independent Methods (AIM)

Achieving Independent Methods is a unique managed care plan offering a full range of direct services, including employment, housing, health services, recreation, and socialization. Learn more.

Other Services

Assistive Technology

The Easterseals Iowa Assistive Technology Program helps Iowans learn about and access the assistive technology (AT) they need as part of their daily lives to live, learn, work, play, and participate in community life safely and independently. Learn more.

Brain & Mental Health

Brain health services, often called mental or behavioral health services, are offered individually, as a family, and in groups.  We specialize in serving people with an intellectual or developmental disability as well as brain health issues, though we serve people from all walks of life. Learn more.

Case Management

Easterseals Iowa Case Managers promote independence by proactively partnering with individuals and their families. We connect with services and supports to best meet every person’s unique needs. Learn more.

Employment & Education

Easterseals Iowa offers several vocational programs. We help our clients develop their careers - whether it's through post-secondary education, internships, or job placement. Learn more.

Rural Solutions

For many farm family members and rural residents with a disability, Rural Solutions represents their only hope of returning to farming and their communities. Easterseals Iowa offers agricultural work site and home modification consultations, peer support, services for the family, information and referrals, and medical equipment loan services. Learn more.

Supported Community Living

Supported Community Living (SCL) provides people with disabilities the opportunity to live as independently as possible in the community. Service includes support with safety, housekeeping, finances, communication, employment, socialization, transportation and wellness. Learn more.

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