The Pony Express Riders of Iowa host fundraisers in their home Iowa county throughout the year, and the money raised is used to benefit Easterseals Iowa. Over its 50-year history, Pony Express Riders have raised more than $10 million for Easterseals Iowa! We thank this incredible group for their longstanding commitment to our organization.
Variety-the Children’s Charity is a long-time supporter of Easterseals Iowa ensuring we can support children with disabilities to have full and happy lives. Improvements made to Camp Sunnyside because of Variety's support include an accessible mat for our playground and a sensory room for children living with autism. Variety has also contributed to capital projects to improve facilities at Camp Sunnyside including the McAninch Family Aquatic Center and Cabins for Campers.
The Easterseals Iowa Rural Solutions program works collaboratively with Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services to assist farmers to remain gainfully employed, after acquiring a disability.