Stories of Hope

Donald's Mission Moment

Donald - MM Donald, known as “DJ,” has been an integral part of Easterseals since July 31, 1987. His journey began over three decades ago, and since then, he has become a highly respected and cherished member of both the Easterseals community and Collins Aerospace.
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Grayson's Mission Moment

Grayson - Mission Moment At the age of 3, Grayson embarked on a transformative journey with Easterseals, as he was exhibiting limited expressive language that prompted concern from his parents. There were observations of him not using his tongue effectively in his speech, but started to make sounds.
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The Families in Training (FIT) Behavioral Therapy Mission Moment

FIT - MM This success story revolves around a 7-year-old girl who embarked on a transformative journey through an ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) program.
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