Easterseals Guardianship Program serves 11 counties in the state of Wisconsin. Providing a caring, professional service that goes beyond the legal requirements of guardianship.
Easterseals Corporate Guardianship Program is an expert provider of comprehensive guardianship services. Our team of specialists are here to meet the diverse needs of those we serve, including educating the community about guardianship and advocating for a just legal system for individuals in our program. We protect and enrich the well-being and quality of life for individuals in our program through strong leadership and highly trained staff. Our program features a strong focus on affording each individual a greater amount of independence and involvement in decisions affecting his/her life. Our specialists focus on making decisions in the best interest of our clients while taking into consideration the personal desires, preferences and beliefs of each individual. Our program further seeks to ensure that the needs of every person are addressed in a timely manner and in the least restrictive environment while promoting individuality, independence, dignity and self-worth.
Easterseals Guardianship Program is an active Member of both the National Guardianship Association and the Wisconsin Guardianship Association. Our program adheres to the National Guardianship Association’s Ethical Principles and Standards of Practice.
Check out these stories on how our Guardianship staff support their clients...