"Your life and mine shall be valued not by what we take... but by what we give." Those words, spoken by Easter Seals' founder Edgar Allen over 90 years ago, began a movement. Today, we're thankful to you for being a part of that movement. With over 50 million Americans living with disabilities, our work is far from complete. We encourage you to help us call attention to the experience of people with disabilities, and to raise awareness of and advocate for the services they need to live, learn, work and play in their communities.In the spotlight

Easter Seals Walk With Me is an event to raise awareness and support for families living with disabilities! Join hundreds of passionate people in your community for a day full of entertainment, fun and, of course, our signature walk! Every walk event is different -- your walk could be at a local school or at the aquarium. But every walk is a lifeline of funds that enables your local Easter Seals to continue providing vital services and support to people with disabilities and their families.