Children's Services
Easterseals has its roots in serving children since 1919, and locally in North Texas since 1939. Our association with children and our reputation for quality and innovation continue to this day.
Outpatient Rehabilitation Therapy
We always strive to provide high-quality Pediatric Rehabilitation Therapy services to your child. Pediatric Rehabilitation Therapy services include Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Therapy and Audiology. All of these services are available under one roof, so your child has the opportunity to have a complete team helping them reach their full potential—with the added bonus of timesaving convenience for busy families.
Child Development Program
Our Child Development Program is a fully inclusive preschool program in North Texas with supervision from a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Children (6 weeks – 6 years old) who are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder or other disabilities are provided with an opportunity to learn alongside peers without developmental disabilities. Our preschool enthusiastically promotes an opportunity for children with diverse abilities to learn and grow in a fun place together.
CLASS Case Management
Children and adults who qualify for this Medicaid waiver program are assigned case managers who help them develop their service plans, advocate for them and manage their plans to maximize each individual’s ability to live successfully in our community.
Make the First Five Count®
Easterseals created the Make the First Five Count program to raise awareness for kids at risk for developmental delays, autism and other disabilities. On MaketheFirstFiveCount.org, you can find resources like the Ages and Stages Questionnaires®, a free, online screening tool for parents to track their child's developmental milestones.
Read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
Read our Notice of Privacy Practice. Download the PDF in English or Spanish.
For more information on Children Services offered through Easter Seals North Texas, please contact us!