Caregiver Story November 2018

Being the only single child, when Mom started having severe health issues 5 years ago, i thought it best that I move in with her. At that time i had no idea what i was in for. As Mom's health declines and the dementia progresses it has become a roller coaster both physically and emotionally.

It is heart breaking to see Mom " lose" a little bit more of herself every day now. Her body and mind slowly slipping away. I see how lonely, scary and frustrating her life has become.

The stress of daily up's and down's have taken a tole on my own health. There are day's when i feel like i will go before her. I have day's when i am so depressed i wish i could stay locked up in my room and hide. But i can't because i love her and she need's me. I will keep doing this for as long as i am able.

I am so thankful for my caregiver group. Without their help and support, i don't believe i would have been able to continue to care for Mom. Also my oldest son who is there for me and Mom on a daily basis. My oldest daughter who is just a phone call away who will spend hours listening and my youngest daughter, also a phone call away, who helps me understand the results of medical tests and medications. To Kathy who has given so much of herself to help us all. God Bless!!!

Susan Vandyke

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