Seating and Mobility Clinic

What is Seating and Mobility Clinic?

The Seating and Mobility Clinic provides a unique team approach to the evaluation, fittings, and follow-up for both manual and power wheel chairs, seating systems, standers, adaptive car seats, adapted chairs, and adaptive bath equipment.  The equipment chosen is designed to meet the needs of the individual and his or her family.  Experts in the area of Seating and Mobility will lead the clinic working closely with the client, family members, primary therapists, physicians and rehabilitation technology suppliers.  Each Rehabilitation technology supplier who is represented in the clinic must be a member of the   National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers (NRRTS) and their representatives must have the ATP/CRTS credential. 

What can you expect at each visit?

  • Thorough consultation and evaluation with the client and team members to determine seating and mobility needs.
  • Recommendations and promotion of integration of other assistive technology.
  • Interaction with the referral source, school personnel, employers, primary therapists, physicians and others to assure quality of care.
  • Follow-up can be arranged to assure fit, use and prompt repair of equipment.

Clinic Details

Each visit is billed directly to your insurance carrier,  CFC, or when contracted with your school district, as a Occupational or Physical Therapy session in 15 minute increments. 
Please check with your insurance company to verify benefits with Easter Seals and with our supplier listed below.

National Seating & Mobility
5444 East Ave Unit A, Countryside, IL 60525
(630) 495-3751

Clinics are held every 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month.

To Schedule an Appointment:  Fill out the form or Call 815-725-2194

To fill out the form in Spanish, click the form here.

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