Commitments to Easter Seals
When you look closely at what makes Easter Seals unique from other health and human service providers, you will immediately recognize that Easter Seals' greatest strength comes from the people who partner with them. These include corporate sponsors, volunteers, other agencies and organizations, referral sources, foundations, staff and the people we serve and their families.
Easter Seals East Georgia would like to thank Elanco for their generous donation of a 2000 Dodge Caravan. This vehicle is in excellent condition and will be a more dependable means of transportation than our present van. This generous contribution will allow us to more safely transport our clients to their designated employment training work sites, giving them an opportunity to realize their goal of securing gainful employment within the community, and the independence they deserve. Again, thank you Elanco, for your support! It is the generosity of businesses like you that allows us to continue of mission of helping the mentally and physically handicapped individuals in our community.
Without professional partnerships to join forces in providing for the needs of people with disabilities, we could not achieve at the level we have. There are many community and business partners that expand our abilities. Primary among these is the Department of Labor, Vocational Rehabilitation Program. For almost 40 years, they have been our valued partner. Through collaboration, we have been able to expand both their scope of services and those provided by Easter Seals. In today's marketplace, no one can do all things for all people. By holding hands and continually improving our individual services, everyone gets better service.
Volunteers make things happen. Volunteers hold us accountable. Volunteers are the backbone of American non-profits. One group that our community can be proud of and that we are thankful for is our volunteer Board of Directors. Twenty-four key community leaders dedicate themselves to creating solutions and changing lives for people with disabilities. They give of their time, financial resources, and individual expertise to serve the mission of Easter Seals and move us toward realizing our vision for the future. Click here, to view Easter Seals East Georgia's Board of Directors.
Easter Seals East Georgia has been blessed with great community support. Individuals and businesses alike have continued to support our efforts year after year. We would be remiss not to acknowledge organizations like, Century 21 that continue to creatively think of ways that they can grow their support of Easter Seals programs.
Faithful Givers
Easter Seals has been blessed over the years to have special friends that do what they can to help. Some volunteer time, others provide work for our workstop and still others contribute money. The gifts are not always large, but the impact they have on our organization is huge. To learn more about some of those special gifts, click here.