Together is better! Meet Gavin and his friends.

Gavin W close-up photo smiling

Visit Room 109 at the Easterseals Early Learning Center and you’ll see a  classroom full of friends who have been learning, growing, and thriving together since they were infants. You’ll also see one of the world’s brightest smiles from 3-year-old Gavin Wininger, who’s surrounded by his Milestones Early Care classmates.
Gavin was born with Williams Syndrome, a genetic condition that causes medical and developmental needs. Gavin is very social and has a passion for music. While he can’t always say the words, Gavin loves to hum tunes as his teachers and classmates sing along. Other favorite activities are swinging on the playground, running fast, and participating in any kind of sensory activity – the messier, the better!
Gavin easily won the hearts of his classmates. They give him a hand when he needs it and include him in all play and classroom activities. They even give Gavin hugs when he arrives or leaves for the day.
Gavin smiling with his friend and classmate Clara
The Easterseals Early Learning Center is Evansville’s only fully inclusive early education program, welcoming all children, including those with disabilities, delays, and significant medical conditions. Generous community support helps to make the program possible, so Gavin and his classmates can learn, grow, and thrive together.

“This has been wonderful for Gavin,” said his mom Jennifer. “The teachers have been great working with Gavin’s multiple therapists. And he can learn so much by watching and playing with his classmates with many different abilities.”

One of those classmates is Clara Frazer. Her mom Brooke said, “We feel it’s an invaluable experience for Clara to be enrolled in a program where inclusion is at the forefront. It has been a joy to watch Clara’s friendships bloom at ELC.” Ask Clara about her friend Gavin, and she’ll say “Yep, he’s my buddy! I love him!”
Gavin recently turned 3, which means he's about to “graduate” to the ELC's Mitchell LEAD Academy. And yes, his friends will be there, too! Because together is better!Gavin with friends on the floor doing a project with DVDs and plasticware

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