Spotlight On: Early Steps Stars

Nealie Arnold Spotlight

Nealie Arnold, 6 months

Born premature, currently receiving support services and therapy

Tiny Nealie was born at just 23 weeks and weighed only 1 lb 6 ounces at birth. She was in the NICU for 18 weeks.

"I wasn't expecting to deliver her when I went to the hospital at 24 weeks pregnant. The doctor said there was a 15% chance she'd live. She's here now, she's our little miracle, but when she was released from the hospital I realized we had some work to do. I want whatever will benefit Nealie. So when I was told about Early Steps, I was ready for it. I'm so happy there's a program that can help us help her." - Brandi Cranston, mothe

Reina Jimenez, 9 months

Currently receiving multiple support therapies, including Occupational Therapy

Reina was diagnosed with asphyxia, severe to moderate hearing loss, and dislocated hips early on in her infancy. She is now working with Early Steps on all of her issues.

"I went to the hospital expecting to leave with a healthy baby and left in total shock, confused about what to do next. I had no idea what Early Steps was until the hospital referred us. I'm so thankful for Early Steps and my therapist. Everyone is soo knowledgeable. It's nice to have them come to our house, it's such a relief. We were told Reina wouldn't ever eat anything by mouth because of her 'global brain damage'.  The Occupational Therapist came in and requested a swallow study and we learned that she can eat baby food. That's the biggest deal to us and Reina. We wouldn't have known to ask for the study if it weren't for our Early Steps OT." - Hannah Jimenez, mother  

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