We’d like to announce that Bryson Cialona chose Children’s Choice Waiver and Easter Seals Louisiana to aid him through different Support Coordination services. Before coming to Easter Seals Louisiana, Bryson’s mother tirelessly searched to find him the help that he needed. And just when she thought she’d run into more dead ends and that the pressure of finding the perfect services for her son was becoming too much, she found refuge in ESL.
From successfully receiving financial assistance for braces, a new bike from his friends at AMCUBS, and finding the perfect school equipment to help him express himself, things couldn’t be going better for Bryson.
To make matters even more positive, Easter Seals Louisiana was able to gift the Cialona family with an exclusive backstage Penguin tour at the Audubon Institute of the Americas. We are incredibly blessed to have helped this wonderful family and can’t wait to see the great things that will come to them in the future.