Seniors Go Virtual


Meet Beatriz

Beatriz who has cognitive impairment lives with her daughter Maria Prada in Weston, FL.  As Beatriz’s primary caregiver, Maria also works full-time as a physical therapist.  Easterseals South Florida (ESSF) Adult Day Care located at the Pembroke Pines Southwest Focal Point Senior Center provides Beatriz with the constant supervision she requires while giving Maria time to work without worrying about Beatriz’s care. When Beatriz began attending our program in November 2016, she was confused and unhappy. Thanks to ESSF’s nurturing environment and professional person-centered care approach, Beatriz is now happy, and her mental health status is stable. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has created social isolation for many people.  Seniors, the most at-risk population, need socialization to continue to thrive. Thanks to a generous donation from Bank of America Charitable Foundation COVID-19 Community Response Grant, ESSF adult day care has been able to provide uninterrupted service to our seniors through daily telephone reassurance calls, virtual support groups, referrals for other services, delivery of care packages and activity materials, and, caregiver focus groups.  Beatriz has adjusted to our virtual service model positively.  She is very excited to participate in the virtual activities and even came up with an idea of incorporating BINGO into the virtual gatherings.  Through support from our donors, ESSF was able to provide all the needed support and supplies for a weekly virtual bingo program!  There are still occasions where Beatriz becomes confused and demands to return to her beloved ESSF Center, but the staff easily reorients her to her surroundings.  Beatriz then resumes her bingo game, trivia, storytelling or even karaoke (she is quite the singer).

hat day

Beatriz during hat day party


Beatriz in a virtual entertainment session

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